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Recreation Committee Minutes 2012/04/10
Sunapee Recreation Committee Meeting Minutes
April 10, 2012

Members Present:~ Scott Blewett, Patricia Halpin, Brian Garland, Amy Holobowicz, Paul Skarin, Matt McNally
Meeting Brought to order at 6:35 pm.

Minutes from last month’s meeting were approved.

Sunapee Rowing Club:
Brenda Belanger from the Sunapee Rowing club presented a slideshow to the committee followed by an overview of the rowing club and their activities.
Their “home” for this year is at the Georges Mills beach.~ She was not looking for anything specific from the committee except for a venue to network and spread the word about what the rowing club is doing.
The rowing club has approximately 40-50 members, six boats and 3 coaches.They are insured and the coaches are BLS certified.~ They are holding morning and evening clinics, the sessions are three weeks long. ~

Skate Park:
Nate presented posters that were hung in the Middle High School generating feedback from the students on the proposed skate park.~ the results were very positive.~ The bench in the proposed plans will not be ordered.~ It looks like the grand total will be approximately $36,961 after the 10% discount.~ Scott is also looking for a quote form Rampage.~ Scott will be looking for other venues for donations.

Ball Fields:
Craig will be working on benches for the dugouts next.~ There is a quote pending from Springfield fence regarding eight foot fences in front of the dugouts.~ Motion by Paul to approve no more than $4,000 from the maintenance fund for the fencing.~ Seconded by Brian.~ Motion passed by vote.
The ball fields will be serviced six times per year, including lyme, aeration and fertilization, 75% to Veteran’s field and 25% to Dewey.~ Twenty five tons of infield mix was delivered to Dewey field and some has been spread already.

Pump Track:
Mark Usko would like to complete this work before black fly season.~ Mark will talk to Craig Heino to get this underway.

John Gosslin has 5-6 composite kiosks for the Recreation Department.~ They are currently being assembled.~ Need to decide where they will be placed.

Al Peterson was at the meeting proposed selling the Zuma and Force Five and use the proceeds to upgrade the Sunfish fleet.There will be an email blast calling for boats.
Spring Sports:
Scott presented the numbers for spring sports.

Dewey Beach Drainage:
Patricia will meet with Tony and Woody from the LSPA regarding a plan for addressing the drainage/runoff at Dewey Beach.
Paul as sent the survey to the office of moorings.~ We should hear back in seven to ten days.

No recreations department regarding voting is to be conducted on line.

Next Meeting:
May 8th. Jen Fredricks will be invited to the next meeting to discuss Dewey Beach.

Motion to adjourn by Paul, seconded by Amy.